Natural Hair Care

How to Dye Your Hair Naturally
By Shana Morgan
Also available on

Have you been interested in changing your hair color, but hate the idea of embracing the chemical damage associated with commercial hair dyes? Well, there is a natural solution for your distress. Discover the natural secret of herbs and henna hair dye. Henna hair dye or “Lawsonia Inermis” is a re-orange molecule that stains the hair a number of colors when mixed properly with other herbs. Follow the steps below and change the shade of your hair to red.


1. Mix the Henna: Mix Henna with an entire bottle (8oz) of lemon juice and stir to an even consistency (to the consistency of pancake mix), with a plastic or wooden stick mixer. Cover the green colored mixture with Glad Wrap and sit mixture out overnight.


2. Cover hair with Henna Mixture: Wash your hair before applying Henna. With your gloves on, apply henna to Towel Dry strands. Section your hair into parts, covering each part with Henna entirely (from the root to the bottom tip). Continue to henna sections until the entire head of hair has been covered. Your head will fill heavy but this is natural. The Henna mixture is thick. Your scalp will feel cool. Place a towel over your shoulders to prevent orange staining on your clothes.

3. Wrap your hair: Cover your head with a plastic cap. This will keep the Henna mixture moist and will prevent it from hardening. If your hair hardens, removing the Henna can be difficult.

4. Rinse Your Hair: In the event that some of your hair hardens—perhaps, the edges— apply conditioner and rinse thoroughly with warm water after the recommended setting time of 8-12 hours. (For more drastic results, some people like to leave their Henna mixture in overnight). Henna hardens on hair that has been overexposed to air and under exposed to moisture.


5. Enjoy: After washing your hair, dry, style, and enjoy your new color.

Warnings and Tips

The darker your natural hair color is, the darker your reddish results will be. If you have naturally light hair (blonde, caramel, or reddish brown), than your results will be brighter and more noticeable.

Be aware of false brands and read the back of the box for a list of ingredients. Henna should be natural and not mixed with any chemicals.

Do You Know Where Your Indian Remy Hair Comes From?

Each year, African American women shell out billions of dollars to the hair care industry. Indian Remy, the best in condition, texture and also the most expensive has become very popular throughout the African American community.

Mainstream Hollywood actresses, both white and black have become heavily engulfed in the Indian Remy culture.

Have you ever asked yourself where your Idian Remi hair comes from? The following video sheds light on the Indian “Human” Hair industry.

Indian girl prepares to offer her hair for Indian Remy lovers!! Sorry, not available in English

Natural Beauty of the Week
Name: Angie
Hometown: Brooklyn,NY
Sign: Leo
Personal Hair Tip: “I love hot oil treatments. I try to work one into my schedule at least once a week.”


This 31-year-old mother of two is definitely working her modern fro. While MBIB has been slightly indulged in locks for the past few months, afro’s are in desperate need of their individual shine. It doesn’t matter if you have tight or loosely curled hair, a stylish afro is always within your reach. Don’t be scared. Give it a try and let us know if it works for you.

If you are looking for 100% natural products and don’t have the time to make them yourself, take the time and visit


The Process of Going Natural…
5 Reasons Why You Should Make The Switch

Good hair means curls and waves
Bad hair means you look like a slave
At the turn of the century
Its time for us to redefine who we be
You can shave it off
Like a South African beauty
Or get in on lock
Like Bob Marley

India Arie’s “I Am Not My Hair”


Going natural is not an easy thing to do. The transition requires alot of patience and determination. For so long natural hair has been viewed as the thing NOT to do. For that reason alone, we have seen an increase in the purchase of synthetic and human hair, both have the ability to give an African American woman, an Eastern European look.

Are we so ashamed of our natural beautiful selves, that we fall victim to the conventions of society?

In the business world many believe that straight hair creates a better first impression. Locks, twists, and braids – ethnic traits – are deemed unprofessional even in their neatest states.

So with all the drama surrounding natural hair, why is it that so many African American women are making the switch?

1. Natural hair will free you from the dependency of relaxers, wigs, and weaves. The transition will help to promote healthy and thick strands of hair, that can be easily styled.

2. Natural hair is less prone to breakage. Hair that is over processed from dyes and relaxers experience twice as much breakage than natural stands.

3. Natural hair promotes cultural identity. If you were meant to be born with long and straight blonde, black, red, or purple hair, you would have been. Unfortunatley, the majority of African American women were not born with hair that resembles that which is packaged for them. (Read Toni Morrison’s “Bluest Eye”), and realize that Black Beauty is best in its natural state, learn to love who you are – naturally!

4. Help gain control of the black beauty hair care industry. This industry generates almost $4.2 billion a year. Black women are the dominating consumer group of this industry but sadly, Koreans have the industry on lock and they’re not letting go. Koreans refuse to sale to African Americans at wholesale prices. (See homepage and view documentary for more information). Ladies, this is the work of tricksters. Koreans are literaaly taking our money and running with it. Alot of our communities could really beneifit from $4.2 billion; I know mines can. Black women, please, DO NOT support Korean owned beauty supply stores.

5.Going natural is HARD but you are not alone. If you do not believe me visit You Tube or type “Natural Hair” into Google’s search engine. Sites like will assist you in your transition, providing support and advice.

Love you all and good luck!

“Sister Natural” …Coming Soon!


Sister Natural is a character that many ladies will find helpful during their transition from chemically treated hair to “All-Natural!”

She will be providing women with helpful tips on how to begin and maintain a natural style.

Yes ladies, the styling techniques of braids, twists, locks, and spirals will all be explored. So, don’t worry because Sister Natural knows exactly what you need.

She will show, advertise, and expose you to products that will keep your hair looking and feeling healthy.

Also, learn how to make your very own natural hair potions and shampoos that promote hair growth, body, and shine – using natural oils and herbs.

Stay tuned, if you have any suggestions on what you would like Sister Natural to explore, email Shana Morgan at and in the subject line write, “Sister Natural Suggestion.”

Peace and Hair Grease,
Ms. Shana Morgan

One Response to “Natural Hair Care”

  1. Allegra March 21, 2012 at 5:18 pm #

    I sometimes where my hair natural but usually I flat iron it. Personally, I believe that natural hair brings out the natural beauty in Black women. I think my face looks younger and fresher when I’m rockin my fro! I love my fro… I feel free and beautiful when my hair is natural. But I must admit I don’t like the double takes some people do. Haha but I’ll get used to it.

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